How to remove the sides

Effective Exercises

Sides often form in both women and men. Many people try to remove them with crunches that target the obliques, but this is not the most effective exercise. To remove the sides, you need to work in a complex: maintain household activity, eat right and devote time to training.

How to eat to remove the sides

Healthy eating is key if you are trying to get rid of fat in any part of your body. Avoiding added sugar is one of the best ways to improve your diet. This compound is found in foods and drinks and has been linked to a host of health problems such as heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.

Eating too much added sugar can lead to an increase in body fat, especially in the abdomen. Sweeteners such as table sugar, corn syrup, honey, and agave nectar contain a simple sugar called fructose.

Many studies have shown that it contributes to an increase in belly fat.It is important to include healthy fats in your diet.

They are found, for example, in avocados, vegetable oils, seeds and some types of fish. These foods make you feel full longer and consume fewer calories throughout the day.

Complex interval training

To remove fat on the abdomen and sides, it is necessary to provide the body with additional calorie consumption. The sides cannot be worked out separately: external exposure is ineffective for subcutaneous fat.

But complex interval training with an active cardio mode works well. Try including running, elliptical, or cycling in your exercise plan. Strength exercises and stretching do not get rid of body fat, but help strengthen muscles, make the body more flexible and toned.


This cardio exercise for almost all muscle groups increases endurance and allows you to burn a lot of calories. Stand straight, feet together, hands along the body.

Jump up, simultaneously spread your legs and raise your arms above your head, connect them at the top point. With the next jump, return to the starting position. Do at an affordable pace for 30-40 seconds.

Sumo jumping

An advanced version of the previous exercise. Start in a squat position with your arms lowered perpendicular to the floor. In a jump, straighten up, raise your arms above your head and bring your legs together. Repeat 10-15 times.


A good exercise that provides a load on the press and strengthens the muscles of the core. Starting position – plank on straight arms, shoulders strictly above the palms.

Pull the knee of the right leg to the chest without changing the position of the rest of the body, and then return it back and repeat on the other leg. Vary the pace from slow to fine-tune your technique to fast for an intense workout.

Overlap running

A good cardio exercise to correct problem areas, including the sides and hips. Running workouts improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, help strengthen the core, work out breathing.

Try to complicate the usual running in place: when lifting your leg, try to touch the heel to the buttocks. You can supplement the exercise by performing synchronous hand movements.


An excellent exercise for reducing the sides. Get into a side plank position and keep your balance. Once you find your balance, put one foot on top of the other and raise your arm up.

Now lift your leg and straighten it. At the same time, try to touch your toes with your hand, and then return to the starting position. Do 15 repetitions on each side.

Plank leg circles

The exercise targets the oblique muscles of the abdomen, sides and buttocks. Get into a side plank position and lower your knee closer to the floor. Raise your top leg until it is horizontally straight. Now start circling this leg 20 circles clockwise and 20 counterclockwise, and then repeat with the other leg.


One of the most effective multifunctional exercises due to the active change of planes. It helps to pump all muscle groups and is included in the complexes of high-intensity training.

It is enough to add a few repetitions of burpees to other exercises to make the training as effective as possible.

Lateral slopes

Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, cross your arms over your shoulders. Starting at a slow pace, gradually accelerating to a medium pace, bend to the right and left.

It is very important not to move the pelvis, but to keep it still, and also to exclude rotation of the body and its forward tilt. Repeat for 120 sec. in approach.


For this exercise, you need to lie on your back and raise the thoracic spine, pressing the lower back to the floor.

Perform lateral tilts, alternately pulling your palms to the feet of the same name (right palm to the right foot and vice versa). The approach lasts 120 seconds. at a fast pace.

A combination of a neutral body position on one leg and a tilt with a squat and a slight rotation of the torso on the other.

Between positions – a jump in an amplitude of 1–1.5 m. The exercise is performed at a fast pace for 45–60 seconds. to one side, then to the other.

Dynamic bar

Asymmetrical exercise, performed in two approaches. Stand on one arm in a side plank (both feet on the floor). Turn into a plank face down without touching the floor with your free hand.

You can keep your arm outstretched or bring it to your chest when turning in the plank. Return to side plank. Do 15-20 repetitions on one side, then on the other.

The question of getting rid of the so-called sides, or fat deposits of the abdominal region (even if there are more deposits from the back), is quite common, since our body must regulate energy exchange and temperature.

Therefore, the task of getting rid of the sides arises in both men and women, regardless of age.

The mechanics of fat deposits is quite simple: in the cold season, the body temperature decreases, and to protect the internal organs, the body accumulates a thermal cushion in the form of adipose tissue.

In addition, this tissue is a source of a large amount of energy that the body saves “for a rainy day.”